Further develop your email engagements
A scattershot approach to email marketing seldom works, and on the off chance that it does engage donors, it can estrange many more. When the average donor retention rate lounges around 45%, each email your nonprofit sends can have a powerful effect to increase donor engagement and long-term donations.
1. Focus on the perfect individuals
Before you click that “SEND” button on your email campaign, doing some underlying research is necessary. All things considered, leverage your donor database to guarantee messages are going to the donors that are probably going to be most responsive to your messaging. Plan to bunch contributors into sections based on location, event attendance, donation history, or communication preferences.
Low engagement can come about because of asking the wrong person in the wrong way at the wrong time. Not every person needs to get similar messages at a similar rate. Some need just a single email to help them to remember their yearly gift. Others eagerly await each program update you can offer. Thus, utilize your segments judiciously and reach the right people with messaging that lines up with their inclinations.
2. Compose like writing to a friend
Contributors would rather not feel like charities only contact them for donations. In your strategy, address benefactors as trusted allies. Use a clear, educational subject line and include quality imagery – after all, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Recognize that some donors will appreciate a hand-crafted email from a notable person at your association. This will help strengthen that loose-tied association that a patron may feel towards your organization.
3. Make a point to ask for matching gifts
According to matching gift statistics from Double the Donation, sharing information with donors about matching gift opportunities has increased nonprofit email open rates by 2.6 times. With matching gifts, organizations may double, or triple, the number of eligible donations.
Keep gathering benefactor information as you run more email campaigns. You’ll rapidly collect a huge group of data to source from. Plan to enhance your email marketing with feedback from donors and implement suggestions. At the point when you ask for and respond to feedback, you show your givers that you’re tuning in and value their support.
As opposed to social media, where rules and regulations are constantly changing, your email list is the only online audience you truly own. It can easily be moved from one email provider to another if need be.
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